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POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND is a special book. There are things within its pages that nobody else in the world knows, that will benefit you greatly. I died, I went to Heaven, and then I came back, and so much more in between. I believe this is the most advanced and detailed life after death experience ever reported. Countless secrets from Heaven were revealed to me during my lengthy time in Heaven, including simple techniques you can use to have greater Power and Love in your life.

NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE eBook is exactly the same book as POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND, just a different cover and title is all.

Please check out our eBook HEALING SCRIPTURES. In this eBook we have 350+ different positive Healing Scriptures categorize pertaining to each body part and each individual illness. Plus there are another 25 Healing Scriptures that can pertain to any illness or problem. All of that with the techniques I was taught in Heaven, which I describe in detail in this book, will help you to focus a laser beam of faith directly at your problem or ailment.

Take a look at our new eBook titled, SPIRITUAL WARFARE. This book is a combination from what I have learned in the Bible and my lengthy visit to Heaven, during my near death experience. Also many years of teaching and counseling others on spiritual warfare since coming back from Heaven. Plus the combined knowledge learned from a number of different, and very real exorcisms I have successfully performed.

FAST METABOLISM DIET. LOSE WEIGHT FAST WITHOUT ANY EXERCISE!!! Whether if you want to lose weight fast, or improve your health, this eBook is for you. I have been lucky in the friends I’ve made. One of which is an ND. Before I met her she had been traveling all over the world for over fifteen years. If she heard of a Doctor or health care worker who was helping people with a health problem no one else could, she would get permission to come study and learn what they knew. Years after meeting her she had taught me everything she knew.